I'm going to be honest with you, this game was pretty average, painfully average on top of it. Whilst the destructible environments were definitely a bonus, the gameplay felt repetitive and lackluster as time went on. Every mission bled into each other and it really felt like the story took a backseat. I can even tell you now, I don't remember a single character other than the main character Alec Mason and the only other game to have that boring of a story was (unpopular opinion incoming) Horizon Zero Dawn. They both had some of the same issues in terms of boring stories but great gameplay which became ok over time. Other than it was a fun sandbox, that is good to kill time in.

Destructible environments are solid and honestly revolutionary
There's a bit of Saints Row 3 in there and that also helped with the vibe

Forgettable characters and story
Repetitive missions and...well everything else.

I'll be honest I even tried the DLC and I just didn't care enough to finish it. If you're looking for time to kill honestly this isn't a bad game to just zone out and not really think about much. Sometimes you're just looking for a game like that, that average one where you can have fun and won't be a masterpiece, a fun tech demoish sort of game even. It's for that reason I will give this a thumbs up, otherwise it's ok; there's better out there but for just wanting to play a something to play something it's not bad.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
