Although not great it has good gameplay variety and fun minigames such as karting and golfing.

The fighting and the environment was good and followed the movie well. The 3d platformer sections not so much.

Really fun but very hard.

The second best spiderman game after the ps4 one in my opinion. The swing mechanic is fun and smooth and I explored the city for hours when replaying it. Unfortunately the story and voice acting is pretty laze and the main missions are so bad it hurts. I wish they kept to the freeroam missions instead.


I remember it being really fun but at the same time very repetitive. Also the enemies don't really offer a danger to Hulk so you never fear that you could die.

Really fun and one of the best casual games. I think this will end up a classic just like snake and tetris in the future.

Portal 2 is an amazing experience that shows how fun an cinematographic a puzzle game can be. SPACE 5/5

First play and I reversed into a Tesla, 8/10.

Meh. The controls are awful although this makes much more sense than sonic using a car to race.

I didn't like the fact it didn't follow proper rules but it was fun to play.

I really liked how they released the cards in batches following the anime order and characters. A decent card game.