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Cool game but it’s a complete pain in my ass and I hate it.

I’ll say this the first half is very good and even better than the first. Interesting level gimmicks while still being challenging and enjoyable. To me the game is both more fair and fun than the original. Beautiful graphics as well. It felt like I was being tested in some pretty enjoyable ways instead of just having a bunch annoying enemy patterns thrown at me all at once. That is for the first half. The first half offers some good set ups for the story and some fun action stages that rely less on the bullshit enemy placement of the original and more on interesting set pieces. The second half is when the god awful enemy placement returns. It’s pretty fucking aggravating late into the game and it quickly loses a lot of its fun factor. As for the story I commend them for the cutscenes and presentation because that’s all great. The story itself is very lazy and just a boring retread of the first but less interesting. Same exact set ups and plot beats. Sure the original is no masterpiece in storytelling but for the time it’s entertaining and gets the job done. They could’ve taken in further in the sequel but they unfortunately got lazy. Still I don’t hate this game. It’s extremely well made and fun to play. And tbh the first half is very fun and special. But the moment you get to the second half the game design gets even lower than the low points of the original and it’ll make you wish you were playing that game instead. Also that final boss can fuck off. Again it’s basically the same shit as the original. It literally repeats 2 of the 3 forms from the first games final boss but it’s just unfair in this game.