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Visually one of the most impressive and
Stunning games of the 16 bit era. It kinda blows my mind this game is a standard genesis title during an era when sega made two overpriced add ons perfect for a game like this yet here it is running on 16 bit hardware.

Anyways here it is and it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s straight up a on rail shooter on the Sega Genesis, not only that but a very well made one too.

This game is yet another game on the system with really simple ideas yet fun and varied execution that makes it extremely fun to play and look back on. Top it off with a cutesy and adorable 90s anime aesthetic and the game itself is a great showcase for the system and in my opinion is even better than Nintendos on rail shooter at the time Star Fox.

I find this game not only more fun than star fox but even more challenging and better controlling as well. It doesn’t just work well as a spectacle but as a challenging and rewarding experience. I do wish it just had a bit better draw distance. I know it’s the best they could do but idk I feel like they would’ve sealed this game and made it more fair. Also maybe unlimited continues considering how difficult and reaction heavy this game is.

However it’s easy to forgive faults when your looking at all these cute ass sprites while zoning out to these trippy ass high on sugar ass environments. Shits just a feel good experience and it feels encouraging to hop in again to aim for a higher score or to make it to the next stage. It’s very heavy on trial and error but for the most part it’s well designed and I feel like I make subtle progress and improvements the more I play.