Scorn 2022

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The alien, abstract world of Scorn is neither the bloodiest nor scariest the horror genre has to offer, but repulses and draws in with it's grotesque hostility towards everything that living means. While uncovering the secrets of this foreign place with unclear purpose is generally slow and suspensful, the game wastes no time with setting the tone on the very first puzzle: To progress, you will be a participant in the hateful debauchery, not just an unwilling victim. Visually the whole game would probably not feel out of place as a Doom level that you sprint through in 5 minutes, yet the disgustingly intimate exploration of it's detailed viscera summons the feeling of a nightmare that robbed you of your ability to run. There is a beauty to the grime, and it's well optimized with smooth performance throughout. Although the gameworld clearly hates you, the developers don't: The combat is fair, if not too easy, ressources are tight but sufficient and the puzzles make sense in their own twisted way. Scorn is not a test of skill, but a test of will.