This review contains spoilers

[Vague spoilers for Higurashi also included]

A pretty solid intro! I still need to read the tea party (and potentially anything that might unlock after that), but overall this is a fantastic start. The only thing that I didn’t particularly like is that there is a bit too much exposition, although this was an issue in Higurashi as well. I don’t think it held the experience back by any significant margin, but it’s a bit of a pain to click through a narrative that’s just over-explaining itself.

Otherwise, GOSH THIS IS SO GOOD!! The references, both blatant and subtle, to Higurashi are masterfully done (e.g. discussions of miracles; rolling die to illustrate the concepts of fate and the perception of miracles; turning into a demon in order to protect a loved one; similarities between Maria and Onikakushi!Keiichi’s letters; and so on). All of it is incredible, and feels very rewarding for people that are familiar with the series.

This is also my first time playing with CGs and updated sprites/backgrounds (and ofc the voice mod), and MAN is it good! I think Higurashi is far better played using original assets (save for the voice mod), but there’s no contest here — Umi needs to be played using updated assets. I was truly terrified of Maria every time she jumped on screen, and don’t even get me started on how much I loved Natsuhi and Eva’s showdown!!! Once the plot started rolling, it just didn’t stop, and things were always tense and I loved it.

The only complaints I have in terms of characters would be George (watching him basically force Shannon into accept his proposal was VERY uncomfortable, although I’m waiting to see if this is played more as a character flaw instead of fanservice), and Krauss (although we didn’t get to see much of him, and I imagine there’s a LOT to his character, I just think he’s sleazy and I wanna kiss Natsuhi instead). Other than that, my favorite character is definitely Natsuhi, and watching her gradually come to put her role as a mother before her family name was SO good to see!

But yeah! Great start! Can’t wait to see where this goes :)

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2021
