Ham-Ham Games is essentially just a single-player minigame compilation with a light story attached. Its gameplay is good enough and the minigames are fun distractions, but the game really shines with its charm and character writing.

So many of the hamsters radiate that Saturday morning cartoon feeling in that best way possible. You have your grumpy field hamster, your tubby cowardly hamster, your guitar-playing mohawk-wearing hamster, among so many (maybe TOO many) others. The game just feels inviting, thanks also in part to the colorful and vibrant graphics. With gameplay so simple you would think one playthrough was enough, and for some it may be, but turning off your brain and relaxing with this game is where it truly excels.

This title is a prime example of how screen crunch can ruin a perfectly good game. The high speed compared to the first game is exhilarating and really fun, until you ram into an enemy you had a fraction of a second to react to. The zone designs and music is diverse and creative, but cannot be experienced fully due to bottomless pits constantly stealing your attention. The bosses are the definite worst part of the game and are more or less irredeemable in every regard.

All of that said I do not hate this game, in fact I enjoyed myself quite a bit. The issue is that the game's lows are so low that they drag it all down for me. I still left the game feeling what I played was solid, albeit held back by poor design choices.

I first played this game when I was only a few years old and could never get past the introduction stage for many many years. When I was in my early teens, I could still only consistently get past Cold Man. Finally, I gave it another shot this year and managed to reach the credits!

This multi-decade struggle is a perfect description of the game: it’s brutal and takes a lot of patience. Some of this difficulty is unfair, like the screen crunch or insta-death spikes. Other parts feel like a legitimate test of skill. All in all, I have a soft spot for this game despite the challenge and ended up enjoying my time. However, I take no responsibility for broken consoles if you choose the play as Mega Man…

The controls are tight, the music is phenomenal, and the graphics look fantastic. I only wish the game was longer, although that is not truly the fault of the game since it is an NES remake. The game feels comfortable and never felt neither too easy nor unforgiving, which (along with it’s short length) is what makes repeated playthroughs so much fun. I absolutely recommend this game for any GBA owners.