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Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

January 14, 2024

First played

January 11, 2024

Platforms Played


as a huge fan of mercury steam’s samus returns and metroid dread, i’ve always wanted to give their take on castlevania a try! no other dev can say they’ve laid claim to both title series in the metroidvania genre!

and while this game didnt knock my socks off, it honestly was a really charming and fun romp through dracula’s castle. ive seen people talking low on this game, but its a fun 2.5D exploration-light castlevania experience. it felt more like a straight forward action title like old school castlevania, and i had fun with the multiple characters and the story was also pretty fun albeit pretty goofy at times. good controls, fun combat, and good presentation! especially for 3DS:)