Here's my Steam review, verbatim:

Every original idea this game has is a good one. Gameplay-wise, you're looking forward to a highly replayable and deeply innovative experience. It's fast-paced action tied to some pretty decent music. I'd describe its raw appeal as being not too dissimilar to Rayman Legends' music stages with lane runner elements similar to modern Sonic the Hedgehog games. Don't let the comparisons fool you though; its gameplay is truly a creative marvel to behold.

Thematically, however? You're looking forward to a lot of tropes from the past decade reused without bringing much to the table. In a lot of ways, it feels very regressive, and I fear that the game will struggle to age well. The tarot cards, the zodiac, the naming schemes, the Japanese onomatopoeia... No matter how tired a trope is, it can always be utilised cleverly. You just won't find that here.

The story is also sort of wishy-washy and vague, but I think there's some amount of intention to its vagueness, and I can sort of appreciate it. The game's most interesting "narrative" is really the way its gameplay evolves and changes, rather than its story.

If the trailer and description has you interested, it'll be absolutely worth your time. If you're on the fence, then you'll still get SOMETHING from it, but I can't say it'll be the intended experience. Still probably worth it, though. Just don't expect more than an hour or so of game content before the credits roll.

If you like Queen Latifah, however, you should buy this game.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
