man fuck this game it gives me an awful headache and makes me so anxious. less shit on screen PLEASE

Playing this felt like when you want to cry but can't. Like sobs stuck in your throat. Like the frustration of dry eyes. Like tears that won't spill.

It is at once blurry and clear. Abstract and straightforward.

I felt like I newly understood something about myself and about the world but couldn't remember what. Like I had forgotten something important.

It's about religion. Life. Death. Freedom. Lies. Guilt. Love. Loss.

I don't know how else to describe it other than this.

What an amazing game.

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i wanted to like this game way more than i did. chalk it up to the girls not doing it for me or me not being great at puzzles or the music giving me headaches but i just didnt like it very much. however the writing is charming and the characters are likeable. i genuinely enjoyed the domestic polyamory feeling of the ending and azazel is really good in particular. the makings of a great visual novel with a mediocre puzzle game shoved inside.

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i only made this review to note how much i fucking detest them making azazel a demon. fuck this game

liking things ironically never stays ironic very long does it

Offensive to many, unpalatable to most, and misunderstood to a comical degree, Saya no Uta is a transgressive work of art that I will not soon forget. It perfectly connected my frustration with straight male fantasy fodder, heteronormativite ideas of sexuality, social isolation and the landscape of erotic media as a whole and packaged it into lovecraftian psychological torment. This game will be on my mind for a long time.

I couldn't fix her but god did I try

Now this is how you do a remake!

there are some cons to being a marine biologist

great potential, great music, and some decent scares, but disappointingly executed

pretty fun and cute but it was too hard so i just watched the rest of it lmao

this is the kinda game that separates boys from men