4 reviews liked by gianmarco

Ugh this was just a slog in every way. Controls were imprecise at best and never did what they were supposed to, the most egregious imo was having to constantly reangle to use an item. Then there was the needless backtracking for items that were dropped b/c of no item boxes (standard criticism at this point). And the bosses were just frustrating at every point. At least once, I lost to a boss just coming out of nowhere and setting me back an hour (played 10 hours but my final time was only 5 so let that say more than I can). Made it less tense and more an exercise in tedium.

That being said, Rebecca Chambers is in it.

Good story, and probably the best graphics of a fixed camera, survival horror game. However, fck the inventory management, fck the zombie monkeys, and f*ck the Hookshot.

people may have been right about this one

super fun and dynamic combat system. Beautiful music and story with some truly memorable characters.

Definitely lacks some rpg mechanics and the side quests were a chore and not engaging for the most part. There are some characters you wish had some more depth to them.

Overall a fantastic game with a super memorable journey. It was a magical and heartfelt experience with several moments that had me holding back tears lol.