What a phenomenal game! I played this on my Retroid Pocked Flip to test out its gamecube potential. It played perfectly with just a few slow downs here and there.

I loved the style of this game. Mixed with the adventure of exploring the seas this thing is great. I challenged myself to not look up any guides or walkthroughs and was able to beat the game with 16 of the 20 potential hearts. This game has a reputation for being the "easy" Zelda game and honestly that I could finish it with no help is a testament to that.

However, even though it isn't the hardest Zelda, it is still incredibly fun. There is nothing like sailing the Great Sea, happening upon an Island and discovering what awaits you. This game has rekindled my interest in Zelda. I now want to play Twilight Princes and the switch releases because of this game.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2023
