this game's always gonna have a special place in my heart for how deeply it spoke to severely depressed and traumatised 12 y/o me, who absolutely needed to hear what it had to say about healing and moving on. if you're thinking of playing tew2, i really can't recommend it enough - the gameplay feels amazing, the art direction is masterful, and the narrative can be a little silly at times but has a lot of genuine, impactful heart. even now i still catch myself quoting it - "blaming yourself for [past events] is like blaming yourself for an earthquake. [...] the most important thing now is that you forgive yourself."

did i get stuck? yes. is it flawed? also yes but girl WHATEVER i got to be a monster high character and that's what matters. joy, whimsy, and nostalgia... and dating torelai in my mind

i dunno who decided that having zero instructions or guidance in this game was a good idea but i hope they're no longer with us... however i do cherish the memories of making babysitters play this with me and presenting a game review at 3rd grade show and tell so thanks for that