this was really hard to get through... honestly really disappointing because i was excited to get through this.
every case other than the last one was like... baby easy to get through honestly.
i have other nitpicks about some specific aspects but it boils down to my preference of what i want out of ace attorney...
also the jury gameplay mechanic kinda sucked too tbh. the last case was REALLY good but i just wish the rest of the game actually carried the momentum to get you to the final case... the 4th case literally felt like something that couldve worked as a 2nd case if you get the idea.
also the total lack of investigation segments and its just mostly trial and no balance... ugh idk it felt lazy to me. i really liked having that investigation and trial balance in the phoenix wright trilogy.
ive heard the 2nd game is where all the exciting stuff happens so im excited to get to it but im definitely going to need a break in between. its not like my expectations for tgaa2 are set up in any capacity at this rate. but that might be me influenced by the fact twitteroids cant stop putting spoilers on my timeline for it

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
