At first I thought this was a game akin to The Stanley Parable, since the presentation kind of implies it. (I know that's dumb af of me to assume; it's like Persona 5 fans listening to Jazz music and saying ohh getting real Persona 5 vibes here)
Yet it takes the "creepy path" wayyy too soon. It feels cheap, since the setup is compelling enough for the player to venture forth and see what's it all about. However, it seems that the developers lacked any real confidence in their idea and instead just threw in some tropey "you are not in control" stuff with some added creepy vibes. Progressing with the later half of the game is a chore because the way the level is structured due to the "creepy twist". Sadly, this kind of soured my experience.

It's like 30 minutes long or so, play it if ya got it through the itch racial justice bundle.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2021
