dogshit! finished it twice. shocking to me that there are reviews praising this game's "story" and its "characters"? the only good character ARGUABLY is minwu, in that he is a white mage who is kind of cool in concept, but beyond that there's nothing. the main cast are completely bland (except for Guy talking to Beaver) and are so cookie cutter boring. to say they have relationships with each other is a joke lmao. Soul of Rebirth on the GBA did an interesting thing in a post-game with the dead NPCs of the game, but even that was dogshit bc it was just the same dungeons in reverse! and anyway this games leveling system is bad and does not suit it whatsoever, and even then its made worse by the fact that gear has INVISIBLE STAT PENALTIES?? who thought it was a smart/cool/good idea to make the magic debuff on armour INVISIBLE so you couldnt see it? how many people played this game thinking magic was bad bc their spellcaster was wearing armour and they had no idea? its almost like its dogshit!!!!!! also why put the dead end dungeons room back from FF1 in this???????? fuck yoy!!!!!!!!!!

to be clear this isnt specific of the pixel remake, this is probably the best version to play if you want to force yourself to play it.

fuck you final fantasy 2!!! the revivification music is the best thing about you!!!!!

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
