Exploring the world of Hollow Knight just feels good. You can just get lost by heading in any direction, yet you will almost always find something worth your efforts. Whether that be finding a new power-up, new characters (some that you can even follow along through their own personal journey), or even just finding out the ever-intriguing lore of the kingdom. The game is tough but always fair; the controls are fine tuned and the enemies telegraph their attacks so that you will learn from your mistakes. The boss fights are the prime example of this as fighting them is really just puzzle of figuring out when to strike and when to dodge, and each attempt against them lasts just a little longer. Even with this high praise I am giving it, it still somehow manages to be more than the sum of all its parts. Maybe the game is not perfect, but I enjoyed every second of playing it that I cannot provide any meaningful faults.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2024
