A fantastic hack. Starts off on a sour note, as the first chapter is too difficult and does not sign-post well that you have to "kill" characters that you suspect are recruitable. The story is also slow at first, and it gives the wrong impression that it might not go anywhere interesting. But I am so glad this is not the case. The writing is fantastic, and the character storylines are very well-thought out. Having played all Fire Emblem games, I'd say it fares better in terms of the story than most Fire Emblem games. With the exception of Genealogy, and maybe the GC/Wii Radiant saga, I can hardly think of many Fire Emblem games that top this one in terms of story. Sadly the gameplay is not as balanced as most games in the franchise - and it does remain quite unbalanced. The start is too hard, while the mid-point is too easy. Overall, a much recommended hack. If I didn't know - I would have thought it is an official release. It is that good!