This was my first time playing through Demon's Souls so personally I'm glad they kept all the "flaws"; that way I could play the real game just with new visuals.

I really love the look of the first Dark Souls and from what I've seen, the original Demon's Souls looks spectacular and very atmospheric in a different way from the remake. Therefore I wouldn't necessarily call the remake an improvement or anything like that, but I think it's funny playing a (sort of niche at the time) 2009 dark fantasy RPG but with insane, high-budget PS5 graphics. Also, the animations look amazing: when you 2-handed backstab the soldiers in Boletaria, they collapse but their shield cartoonishly flips up into the air and it makes me laugh every time.

By the way, the so-called jank that everybody harps on in their reviews? I fail to see it. The one thing I can see being a quality-of-life issue is the fact that the drop rate of the grass is really low. However I don't think that's a huge deal since the game clearly wants people to have to sacrifice some of their souls at the merchants to keep their healing supply up. It's just another level of difficulty and I didn't have too much of a problem with it.

What I DO have a problem with, though, is the character creator. One of the most massive appeals of the Souls games for me is being able to play as a hideously deformed cretin, and you cannot do that in this game. You can do funny skin colors, sure, but it doesn't give you the ability to really exaggerate facial features in a funny way, and that's just sad. I've seen some takes from insufferable nerds being like "Finally, we can create good looking characters! From Software could learn something from Bluepoint!" and I only have one thing to say to those dorks: suck a fart out of my ass. Nobody wants to play a game as a regular-looking dude when they could play as a disgusting sewer puke mutant instead. Demon's Souls remake loses ONE STAR from me for this unfortunate shortcoming.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2021
