I rented this game when I was younger due to my parents not being that concerned with M-rated games, and I only played it for 10 minutes because I was DISGUSTED by this game. Why?

Flicking the right analog stick made you go into first person instead of being able to swing the camera around.

Completely disgusting, even to this day. Also it's funny that of all the stealth games i've played, only Manhunt and Thief understood there should be a clear visual indicator on screen to how loud and how visible you are at all times.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022


oh hell yeah more games should be directed by sickos
Control type 2 fixes this, at least on the Xbox version

3 months ago

"Also it's funny that of all the stealth games i've played, only Manhunt and Thief understood there should be a clear visual indicator on screen to how loud and how visible you are at all times."

You need to give Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory a try! Not only does it have these indicators, but like Rayman 2 and Rayman Origins/Legends, is one of the only Ubisoft games that doesn't shit its own pants!