I really wanted to LOVE this game like I feel like I should. My favorite game is Ninja Gaiden Black, so by that same extent I should be a sucker for any game with incredible combat in lavishly designed environments, and Painkiller really does have some gorgeous architecture. I'd say in that regards it has more to offer the world than boring ass shit like Serious Sam, it's mostly that the actual combat loop never does much for me in the grand scheme of things, and the player movement physics are surprisingly crap feeling. Whenever I remember this game I seem to remember a fast-paced action game but it's REALLY lumbering. It's like you are casually strolling through Quake levels and it makes the pacing feel almost glacial.

Also the plot is just asinine. It's 2004, why the fuck is your protagonist Some Guy? Your protagonist for a game called Painkiller that takes place in hell should be a fucking demon or skeleton warrior, it's so obvious. He should look like he is on an Avenged Sevenfold album cover not like he listens to Avenged Sevenfold.

Music kicks fucking ass though. This thing has some fucking riffs on it, and I love riffs. This is what I thought Doom 2016's music was going to be, it's perfect for this kind of game.

Overall, I have tried for years to love this game but sadly I can't give any ground to it. It's a beautiful looking, incredible sounding, but largely average shooter. In recent years we have been flush with spectacular shooters like Dusk and Wrath that Painkiller pales in comparison.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2022


Only played this for a bit but you'd think this game with it's fun movement and cool-sounding guns would have a more enthralling combat loop than "go to designated combat area, bunny hop around the place to build up an enemy train, fire away, rinse and repeat"

1 year ago

it's incredible to see a game with so much effort put into it have gameplay elements that go fucking nowhere.

1 year ago

i'm just glad someone else had the balls to say serious sam was trash
I legit have the exact same points on this game, it's scary.