Folklore 2007

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 4, 2024

First played

December 31, 2023

Platforms Played


Not sure if I can finish this tbh.

If I describe my feelings, this game feels like a artsy and experimental game that tries it's hardest to keep you engaged with it's strange and interesting combat system and mysterious world. Like most of the japanese small budget AA ps2 game to be exact.

It looks beautiful and atmosphere is simply amazing to the point I can say it's just mesmerizing, there is nothing quite like it. Just look at the screenshots, all of them have the quality of a arthouse painting!

Unfortunately it's also quite restrictive with being too linear other than hyrule style hub world and only interaction with the world you have is talking and doing combat.

But that's not the big problem. The big problem is how it structured and it's combat.

This game's combat is about assigning summons to face buttons then using them against to enemies. When I saw this I expected something similar to zelda like puzzles with how every summon have it's own attack and element. Unfortunately that's not the case, you can just spam buttons to get past most of the encounters(at least this is the case for the first half I had played) other than some specific enemy(bosses and mini bosses) types so it's not puzzle combat. If we look at from the action side, summon attacks moveset is hecking limited and also clunky and slow so it's also not a good action combat either. So what is it actually then? It's a button masher, that's what it is.

This wouldn't be a big problem at first glance right? After all as long as mission and world variety entertains you it should be enough right? Normally Yes, But that's where the second problem comes in. This game requires you to play 2 characters that feel similar to each other, to go to the same levels again with slight differences to beat it. Literally. Same. Levels. Again.

I know this game is a budget title but for what damn reason you would choose to mess your pacing with forced replay in your already small budget game I really don't get it.

Unfortunately this repetition managed to beat me tho as of now. Even tho my one side wants me to continue exploring to see how crazy, extraordinary and abstract the world gonna get with progressing (because like I said it's art is almost god level), my other side just gets nausea with the thought of forced replay of every level with a second character. I wish they didn't do that.