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August 21, 2018

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September 26, 2017

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What do Rulers use to bring people together? It's Language.

And Ironically, like these words said by the code talker, I do wish this game stick to it's own story-telling language to communicate with us it's philosophy better unfortunately.

I don't know what can I say what hasn't been said numerous times, but anyway I will still want to convey my thoughts about this game.

When I started playing this game, I was already 1 year late so I heard all of the problems about this game. Also peace walker experience was still hot in my brain so my expectations was low as a pebble about this game. But strangely I found a game that actually had potential, even more than peace walker. Because rather than continuing the big boss's already concluded story, it "tries to do" something with other characters and villains. But decides to stop doing that and just wastes everything away.

Yet also, I love this damn game. It was a blast to go through for me from an other side. Because like I said, I really didn't had any "story expectations to begin with" after mgs4 ended everything conclusively.


Ground Zeroes

The tanker chapter of mgs2 but less impressive version of it. It does have the biggest single enemy camp in the entire mgs franchise(bigger then Groznyj Grad from mgs3). So it's fun to play inside it but unfortunately only have two objectives(if you don't care about side ops). That is: Save Chico and Paz. That's it. Because of that it doesn't have the feeling of you are part by part progressing a giant ship from mgs2 for me.

Story-wise it's a nice hype demo for the players. we learn Chico and Paz captured .Of course as a snake we want to save them because we care about them so we go to Camp Omega. But while we go there, there is an nuclear inspection going on at our mother base and ends in a cliffhanger.

It's a fine mission on it's own right. It's sets up a new villain and actually makes you wonder what the heck is going on with this new villain. It gives you hope for a potential of a new good mgs villain.

But once you learn the existence of casette tapes you learn how psycho he is. First it gives you more hope about the villain but if you think about it more than a second and think why the heck it's in a tape rather than a flashback scene and that thing is... actually a big first glance to upcoming mess that is mgsV's story telling.

MgsV-Main Game

After the events from mgsV, we open our eyes on a hospital Ocelot helps us escape? And we find ourselves on a new beginning. We set up our new motherbase, a robotic arm and then settle in afghanistan for our first mission to save Miller. After saving him we promise for VENGEANCE and with that game truly begins.

In the whole game, we save hostages, destroy camps, collect datas and try to get everything about Skull Face. Unfortunately game never goes deep in the story department and just fills you with tapes.

Then that finale mission hits. Everything ends in a rushed way and we of course get bunch of "Casette Tapes".

Wait... what?

I don't know if I manage to give you the impact of the cassette tapes, but this game botches it's own potential with relying to stupid casette tapes rather then let the cutscenes do the talking.

I watched all of them years later and yeah like I said they wasted every potential with tapes, especially in the "truth" tapes...

Also of course let's not forget about the cut finale 51. mission... no... "Missions" as well. Maybe I am gonna say something controversial but... I don't believe a sudden dlc for cut missions will fix this game. It's reliance on casette tapes hurts the story so much that not even a big witcher 3 level of dlc can save this game's story in my opinion. It's problematic in it's roots. It's impossible to save this story without redoing everything from scratch.

Btw when it comes to twist, tbh I don't feel anything about it. I know why everyone pissed about the "truth" twist but in my opinion it changes nothing. Story is already feels botched anyway because of the casette tapes. The twist itself is just a cream on the already badly cooked cake.

Unfortunately and ironically mgsv is a failure when it comes to communicating it's story to the players and because of that sends it's every potential to hell. But was it really that important story to get pushed to it's potential?

Not Really, Actually.

While truth tapes are really important, in the end of the day, mgsV is a phantom game. A story that doesn't need to exist in the bigger picture. It can just be in a lore file somehwere. I still consider everything ended with 4 and this game nor peace walker won't change that for me.


I said this game was a blast tho isn't it? Because it does one thing expertly, even better then every game I had ever played. What it does expertly is the freedom on stealth. I have never played a game where you can infiltrate in every way you want with the gadgets that feels almost endless, also with the buddy system that makes you feel like a commander, also with the shocking clever and defensive ai as well. Fixes all of my issues with peace walker for me.

Combine this with a more open soldier collecting system that gives you more choices to collect wherever you want that scales with you unlike peace walker's linear forced way of collect system. This makes the game 10 times more interesting when it comes to progressing.

I had so much fun with the gameplay that I stopped doing main missions and went with side ops all the way. After all who cares with that botched casette taped filled story right? Not me.

Only thing I can say bad about the gameplay is, open world feels unnecessary. We always go back to chopper anyway so.... I am not sure what is the point of this big of an open world I don't know. It just forces you to waste time with running to the chopper for hundreds of meters after every mission.

Also I heard some people pissed about there is no big base as big as camp omega in mgsv, I kinda get them but main game itself have lots of variety in it's missions when you combine them so I still left satisfied.

So yeah this is mgsV. A mess of a story but a brilliance when it comes to gameplay. You can consider this one the worst mgs story because of the botched telling but in my eyes...

It's the best stealth game I had ever played.