I enjoy this game, it's trick weapons, it's fast combat, it's bosses, it's crazy monsters and yharnam itself.

It's like souls formula with turbo mod attached to it. Faster moves, aggressive monsters, additional combos with weapons, less stamina management, health reward for countering, no strong defensive equipment etc. And I really enjoyed it for a while.

But I have couple problems, one is late areas... No... Outside of central yharnam and old yharnam nothing feel fleshed out that much to me(cainhurst castle, nightmare of mensis etc). It's ironic because I complained the same thing when writing about demon's souls. But compared to it, this felt even more disappointing to me, because what came before was that much amazing.

Because for me, Yharnam is the best area they have ever did in their entire gaming catalouge. It just gives you the feeling of: you are on a giant world with suprising you with a new challenge, area, building, enemy on Every. Step. Of. The. Way.

Unfortunately Like I said, I wish it did the same thing with outside of the yharnam levels tho. I would say game loses it's "suprise" the moment you finish yharnam and old yharnam. It get samey and bland to be honest and no. Blobby space monsters does not add to my suprise because they act the same way with any other enemy. Dodge and attack. Rinse and repeat until the end of the game. I mean it never gets bad like dark souls later half but it never manages to achieve the amazing highs as the other ones I had played, it kinda gets samey to me. But at least there is one thing I can praise is, it's the most consistent souls game when it comes to quality like demon's souls.

My another problem is why the heck health item farming here is like the demon's souls? It's a bigger problem here because bosses are all about comboing you rather than puzzle like bosses from previous games. It just fu#ks the pacing up with forcing you to farm them after every boss session. Yeah there is a rally system that rewards health when you attack back at them but it kinda gets meaningless when a boss can combo you 5 times with taking your majority of your health. You "have to" farm in this game and that just sucks too much.

Oh also build variety kinda sucks. It's more of a surface level rpg compared to the souls games with essentially forcing everyone to be a fast dps character. But then my question comes in, why did they make this an rpg if build variety is low? Just put the health and damage upgrades and scrap everything else. Being able to use every weapon actually can make the game much fun to explore in my opinion, because it's only way to differentiate your gameplay.

Also there is an interesting new thing called chalice dungeons, they are randomly generated dungeons but main ones are not randomly generated. I only did the main ones but they are mixed bag in my opinion. Because every room is so similar to another one, also it just have a one gimmick and that is find the key and find the boss door, that's it. It gets boring after a while. Yeah it's optional yes but that doesn't mean it's immune to criticism.

Also there is a dlc. First part of it a recycled but remixed version of Yharnam that felt weird to me, but later parts of it is simply amazing and ends with a higher point then the main game itself could with giving you a messed up monster world with really complex layout in it's last area for me. My only problem of it, bosses were really easy? Maybe chalice dungeons made me overpowered I don't know.

While I may be overpraising the dlc, It was the reason I am giving this game a 4/5 because it cleaned this dissapointing feeling the later areas and the chalice dungeons gave to me with it's amazing level design.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2023
