Wars happen because the side that started the war believes they are the "righteous side". But is it that simple? Which side is right which side is wrong on whose perspective? These game reminds us that these kind of questions can't be taken lightly. Coins have two sides after all.

Also this game is slow burn type of game. You do chores, hunt animals, farm some plants etc. It works in it's favor in the first playthrough to show us the playable side is innocent as any other jrpg town. To the point you won't even realize this is Yoko Taro's another game in your first ending with how much it feels just an another jrpg that is about saving the town and their loved ones. Of course it is not that simple, it never is. To the point of your views about this game will change in every playthrough... After all What is the right choice to do at the brink of extinction?

This is a really interesting experience with lovable cast that make you feel conflicted about everything happening. Probably Yoko Taro's best side cast that he created to drive this point further. Emil, Kaine, Yonah, Devola, Popola... and it really really works.

Until the side content is introduced that is. Because it all goes to hell with boredom. My word of advice is just play the main content, do the first ending, then load your save again and play the second ending and then stop. Because Yoko Taro probably thought that giving jrpg like story wasn't enough he also had to give it's motonous side parts as well with super boring check list like side quests. Also this time I don't think it works in it's favor compared to the drakengard1. It doesn't support it's intented message it only takes away from it. Like... don't even get me started on fishing just throw it into the garbage bin. Also there is not just two but 4 endings but last two requires you to play the game again with weapon completion just only to add 10 minute of ending on a preivous one as a plus time(What the hell Mr. Yoko Taro....). Like I said only just experience the first two if you really value your time.

I am serious about this part. Because side content is so boring and meaningless that makes your views of this game get lowered more and more. It lowered mine because I did it all expecting interesting things... So don't say I did not warned.

Oh also combat is fine, it works enough and you get fun magic to use as well. I played the original version and it was nice, a bit mindless perhaps but getting interesting new magic in every progress felt rewarding to me. Balance goes out of the window the moment spears get introduced but I didn't get bored because of there is light puzzle dungeons and simple boss fights in the end of it. Combat maybe a bit on the forgettable side, but small light dungeon puzzles at least break the pace in a better way for me. If they focused on complex puzzle dungeons more maybe it would even go to the same level as majora's mask(there is even a mask reference in the game) for me... maybe... but that didn't happen of course. At least it's fine.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
