A game that throw me into a rabbit hole that changed me forever.

One day a relative of mine gifted me a nintendo 3ds. It was my first nintendo console and I literally didn't know what to do with it. Because I was mostly a pc and playstation gamer so I shelved my 3ds yet it keep bugging me out that I had nothing to play on that thing. One day I decided I will play on it to experience it fully and decided to look upon the internet what games can interest me to play on it. I bought couple of games from looking up to the most liked games. Mario 3d land, zelda 64 remakes, fire emblem etc. I had fun with them but one game from a list that I don't remember really interested me. Description said experiencing a lawyer's troubles at the court or something similar to that. Also it's cover image reminded me an capcom collection image I vaguely remember seeing when I was looking up about the capcom games. I liked capcom so that was a plus. Also I said experiencing a lawyer story sounds wacky but why not? And I tried it.


I love this game. Still my favourite in the whole franchise. Yeah the first game. You can think I am strange but I think compared to the later titles it's simplicity with steady progression makes it the best in the franchise.

Story is...

It's about a beginner attorney that tries it's best to honor his mentor and your friends while everything is in your way to stop you from achieving that. Rise to the challenge and defeat those perky lying murderers that made your friends' lives hell! And take them down with finding the truth using your brain against all the odds and do the impossible even your mentor couldn't do and WIN.

This is truly a story about overcoming all odds against the impossible, rising to the top. But this isn't enough to make it great. What makes it truly awesome is it's collection of fun fellas you really want to save. Once you decide to save them and step into the court room, There is no going back.

I can't say too much about the story more but case wise I love all of them even it's third case(yeah fight me) and even it's finale bonus case(even tho I have massive issues with it's pacing, it's last day is simply nothing short of amazing)

Gameplay wise...

It's about finding evidence in the field, then using them in the court to pinpoint lies. Simple but enough to make it engaging with variety of situations you are thrown in.

But it's a long game, then how does this game holds it engaging the gameplay? It's with using every different type deceptions, lies, wrong information and pushing it's difficulty to the end.

In the start you have just a couple of clues to pinpoint lies, in the end you have lots of clues that connects to same event but also only one of them holds the truth, so challenge becomes not just pinpointing the lie, it also becomes what clue will truly take the tides to my side?


Unfortunately it doesn't do that for finding evidence part tho. It feels samey throughout in the journey with you end up clicking to every pixel. I kinda get why people hate them because of no challenge and also inclusion of a bit of obtuseness thrown inside. But on my end I am fine with them. Why? Because they have optional conversations.

You will ask, why does that matter? It does matter. They matter to me a hell of a lot. Because I genuinely love it's writing from the top of my heart(and especially on this entry and the reason it's my favourite with it's pure commitment on enjoyment and emotional drama).

While people roll their eyes upon every second that you spend outside of the court, I myself having a genuinely fun time with just reading every conversation what our main leads will say to daily things and this part is important to get the full enjoyment. I am gonna ask you a question, Do you still have your childhood funny guy inside at you? If so, then you don't have to worry because you will truly enjoy this game and all of it's offerings and even can be your favourite game of all time.

Because it's one of my all time favourites as well.

-Also a funny story, I didn't know I could save with the start button until the end of the game. I suffered a bit is an understatement

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2023
