I love Trucy ❤️ She is clever, she is fun, she knows how to manage the critical moments. If one day I marry with someone and have a daughter I would want my kid to be clever as Truc...

Oh sorry I think need to review this game right? This game is strange, feels like the director Shu Takumi tries to find and throw bunch of new ideas as much as he could to the game because he used every idea he had in the trilogy. But none of the ideas feels cooked enough because of that. Game have the best first case in the entire franchise but that amounts to nothing when no idea gets builded upon. You introduce a new protoganist? But you throw him to the wayside later. You tell even your clients can be dirty people, but you do nothing interesting with them. You say justice needs improving, but this idea doesn't get any conclusion. You say you created a grey attorney, but you literally don't explain nor show anything about him at all to care about him unlike phoenix's mentor. You say you want to do a good willed prosecutor, but other than his brother and his love for guitars you don't tell anything about him to get interested about him. You return the kid from the first game's dlc case as a jaded detective, but her only reason for being there is to force gimmicky touch puzzles upon you. You introduce a new assistant named Trucy and she is the best character that graced this franchise with her perfection and make every other games characters thras... wait this is not a flaw.

Yeah what I am getting is this game in dire needs of direct sequel to get it's ideas get expanded upon and unfortunately that didn't happen and that is the worst thing that happened to this franchise.

Also one thing I want to say is, why third case is hated again? Because of the reasoning for court to think that the blind child as guilty right? I am not saying it was a good case, it's pacing... isn't great. But do people forget that in ace attorney universe justice rules are extreme? If a person got blamed about a crime, you have to not just discredit this claim also you need to find the real criminal. Even that was the same in the 3rd game with how maya gets treated even when we discredit all of the claims yet not finding the real criminal ends with guilty defeat?

For me second case was the stinker, with 2nd game and with this game, I realized that if you make your client obnoxious and infuriating, I lose all my motivation to continue playing even if the mystery part is interesting it doesn't matter. Because I don't play these games as a detective mystery solver, I play them as a lawyer defender and if my client is a garbage person I have literally zero reason to have motivation.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2023
