This is game is the definition of boring. But I'll start with the good things. . Its design basically made walking fun (for the most part). . The soundtrack is pretty. Not great, but it packs a nice punch. . The story is deep and emotional, characters are memorable and everything just feels genuinely original. . Despite its flaws, the story kept me going and curiosity got me hooked, but I couldn't wait to see the end of it. As for the bad things... Well, all the rest. . The gameplay loop starts decent and fun, but ultimately overstays its welcome and becomes overly dull and repetitive. . The story is great and unique, but MY GOD it is convoluted and tiresome! . Why does it need to repeat the same cutscenes and messages again and again? It should skip it automatically. . TOO MANY TUTORIALS! TOO MANY THINGS ON SCREEN! TOO MANY USELESS NEW ITEMS! JUST LET ME *UCKING WALK! . Unrewarding long and unnecessary sidequests. . Bosses are a joke. . From the UI to the information displayed throughout the game, everything just feels... Messy.

Kojima, I still think you're a genius, but you missed the mark with this one, buddy.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
