Way too charming and nostalgic for me to say I don't like it, but also way too repetitive and grindy for me to say I do like it, even if that is kind of the point.

Very simple and fun arcade type of game. Entirely played with just two buttons, and gameplay is based off speed and reaction skill. Also some nice pixel art and good music. Don't think it would my attention enough to strive for 100% completion, but definitely a fun time.

Pretty cute and fun demake of Paper's Please, in a style kind of similar to the old Tiger Electronics handhelds. A fun little time waster and a good tribute to the original game on its 10th anniversary.

one of the greatest things, these eyes, has ever witnessed

Fun questline, but way too short. Ada is an interesting and likable character, but not at all explored or fleshed out, doesn't even have the same perk/affinity system the rest of the companions do. The robot mods and customization are cool, but I never felt super compelled to use them.

Had the potential to be really great, ended up being just ok, with some notable highlights.

Not a great designed game by any means, and the difficulty is wildly inconsistent, but it's an absolute nostalgic classic in terms of flash game.

I like the part where they go pew pew.

Tempted to call this the best DLC in the whole series, and maybe even give it a perfect rating, but man that puzzle quest is so out of place, and not enjoyable.

Funny, charming, and just good vibes.

Some of those bio achievements were a headache to get though.

Really cool idea for a puzzle game, especially for a Resident Evil fan.