Oh boy this is s worthy sequel of the previous game.

Storywise we have a lot of new characters. All of them are quite fun and well developed throughout the story. I really enjoyed it, specially because of the gorgeouses planets that we get to visit.

The gameplay is truly addictive. There are a lot of goofy weapons (some classics from the old games and some new ones). There is a lot of chaos during the most heated battles and coming up victorious gives a feeling of accomplishment.

I've seen some people complaining about the length of the game compared with the pricetag. Quite honestly, I would much rather play a 15h game in which I'm having fun all the time that a 100h game booted and with meaningless content (AC Valhalla I'm looking at you)

Finally, this is the first PS5 to take full advantage of the new functionallitys of the dual sense. All the vibrations with the sound really helps to keep you inmersed and focused.

Give it a try, you will have an amazing time

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2023
