what to say about death's door, it is my second favorite game from 2021 right behind NEO: twewy, this review won't contain spoilers for the story, the story is not the focus of the game, but it is good so i recommend you to play it and experience it for yourself

the gameplay is basic, but it's so good and smooth, the weapons are really basic, but each one can be used for different situations, the stats buff doesn't change your character until the point it gets broken, but you can feel the changes and it feels great yet challenging

the difficulty is really well balanced, not too hard and not too easy, with a good 2 hours everyone can beat a boss

the ost is so so so good omg, the music is amazing and it shapes your mood perfectly to what the game wants, the graphics are beautiful and full of charm as well

the characters are funny, charismatic and deep, there's not a single character i don't like in this game

now the only problem of the game is simple, it's too short, even though after you beat the game you have extra content it's still short, i have two runs with all the achievements on my steam account and i got only 25 hours, which is sad, but still amazing

if you've never played death's door do it, there is no wrong here, or just wait for a steam sale if you value your money that much

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022
