aria of sorrow is my second favorite castlevania game and my favorite 2d one, but this is the game that i would recommend if you want to start playing castlevania, let's talk about it

the graphics are, fine, it's gba you can't have everything, i think the scenarios are a bit boring, but the character and enemy design are really good, also the music fucking slaps

the gameplay is fun as hell, the basic metroidvania that made everyone fall in love with the genre, but after two bad tries on the gba, aria of sorrow got a lot of polishment on it's systems

the story is eh... it's ok, principally by castlevania standards, the characters are pretty good though principally julius

the exploration is the best part, because the castle is actually small, and that makes going from one place to another really quick, and it's actually easy to find yourself if you get lost

the souls mechanic is really fun, but the random part of it is shit, it feels like "oh man each of my playthroughs will be different so cool" and then by the end it's like "please drop the souls succubus i'm crying here"

the game takes a lot from symphony of the night, but it's a lot better for the quality of life and because the game is shorter, i've put 8 hours into aria and i have 97% of the game

aria is one of the best experiences out there, short and amazing 100% recommend to everyone that likes videogames

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2022
