The biggest compliment I can pay this game is that it surprised me how much it felt like an extension of the original. While the combat mechanics are a stylistic departure, great lengths went to incorporating the mechanics that were familiar into the new system in fun and satisfying ways, while the navigation, cutscenes, writing, soundtrack, and everything else felt like a perfect match. Nothing about it felt cheap, or like a knock off or cash grab the way that spin off games often do.

There are some elements of the story structure that are a little more simplistic, while other elements are also streamlined (like the calendar system), likely to keep the game from running too long or becoming a massive undertaking of development, but the new story and characters are very satisfying and compelling, and the game play, while initially a little overwhelming, eventually comes together into a recognizable, rewarding pattern.

I did a thorough run of the base game, and then dipped my toes into the unlockable Merciless difficulty. Sadly that was a bit much for me; it ramps up to an extreme in a way that felt too punishing to be fun, and is probably the one real detractor for me overall. I'm sure for many the challenge could be rewarding, it's not strictly bad design or anything like that, it just isn't my scene. Otherwise, if you enjoyed Persona 5, I would wholeheartedly recommend this.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I'm not a big fan of the combat, it's ok but as you say having it as such a smooth extension of the original was fantastic.