Baldur's Gate 3 is the first CRPG that i have ever finished, and unfortunately it is so good that I will likely never play another game in the genre that will live up to it. The quality of this game should be the standard going forward for RPGs, if not just all games in general. Imagine the reception of Cyberpunk had it had the amount of care put into it that BG3 has. Another game that comes to mind that I wont be completing any time soon because of how disappointing it was, even more so now that I'm comparing it to this game, is Starfield. I was disappointed before that with that game and now I'm even more disappointed.

Enough about other games, what make Baldur's Gate 3 so great? Well for starters, no two playthroughs are alike. When talking to friends about certain parts of the game they usually are surprised because they may have done something a completely different way than i did. There are so many choices in this game that lead to so many different outcomes, it is insane. This wouldn't have worked as well without the game's outstanding writing. It is so well written that there can be dozens of story lines that weave in and out with each other depending on the decisions that you make and they all work. It is amazing. The closest thing I have experience to this is in the Mass Effect series, which was made by the company that made the first two Baldur's Gate games.

Another aspect of the game that is great, mostly in part due the writing again, is the characters. All of the companion characters have complex and compelling back stories that make you care deeply for them (or despise them in some cases). There was one decision at the end of the game that I had to make that would drastically alter the outcome of one of my favorite characters and I literally took ten minutes trying to decide what I wanted to do. There are big decisions that are made with all of the party members that drastically change both their story, as well as the game's story as a whole, that makes this game just that much more compelling. The side characters in the game are just as good as the party members as well. They also have their moments to shine in the game.

Next I want to talk about some of the villains of the game. Most of them are worth of being the main antagonist of a single game, but we get many different ones in BG3. One in particular is Raphael, who can either be one of the main antagonist or even just kind of a side antagonist depending on how you play the game. I almost didn't do the missions that involved him because I was trying to avoid upsetting some certain character's, but I sure am glad that I did. The missions that lead up to his boss fight was so enjoyable, and the boss fight was even better (largely due to the fantastic music). I wont spoil anything about it, but I just wanted to be known that I loved that portion of the game.

I guess I have to find some sort of gripe with the game, which there is, though they aren't changing my opinion of the game as a whole. Almost all of my issues come in Act III of the game. I think this part of the game is the best part even if it has the most issues. There were more visual bugs, the fights didn't run as smooth, and the final boss kind of felt like a step down when compared to the ones leading up to it. That being said, Act III is just as long as the first two combined so if those are my only gripes with it I'd argue that its still great.

Baldur's Gate 3 is one of those generational games that I feel like everyone should give a shot. It can be played in so many different way that it should give everyone something to like about it. It has a great story, great characters, great music, really great everything. I might nitpick Act III a bit, but honestly that doesn't just keep Baldur's Gate 3 from being one of the best games of 2023, but one of the best games of all time.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

Planescape better