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August 25, 2021

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Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy is the second installment of the “Secret” Arc of the Atelier games and the 22nd overall main game in the series. The game features Reisalin Stout aka Ryza to travel to the capital city of Ashra-am Baird to research and explore new ruins of the offset of the capital. Along the way, they met a strange creature named Fi. Atelier Ryza 2 saw a few setbacks from the first Atelier Ryza game but there are many improvements overall that made the sequel very worth playing.

(Due to Ryza 2 being a direct sequel, there will be very slight spoilers for Ryza 1 but nothing very heavy, Ryza 2 will be spoiler-free as well).

Gameplay-wise, Atelier Ryza 2 functions very similarly to Atelier Ryza 1 in the alchemy creation. You pick up and find ingredients in the maps with alchemy tools and use various ingredients to synthesize items with various traits, quality, and element values. Since Ryza 2 is a direct sequel, the game does expect you to be familiar with these systems already as there are far fewer tutorials this time. However, the alchemy saw a huge improvement and a greater degree of freedom. A huge feature that adds to that sense of alchemy freedom is the skill tree. With this, you can unlock alchemy recipes and skills in a nonlinear fashion due to how they can branch off. Many of the alchemy modes such as morphing, item rebuilding, gem reduction, item duplication etc. return to the game. As well as the new essence feature. There’s tons of depth with the alchemy creation, this is merely the overall basic summary. I spent hours looking up guides just to figure out how to synthesize a specific item, what ingredients do I need, and how and where I can obtain them.

Combat also saw many improvements. While still using the same Action Turn-Based system from the first game and many of its features such as tactics and the AP and CC item systems, there are some additional elements to make the combat feel more snappy such as the addition of a 4th party member. While you can only have 3 active party members, you can switch out one of the party members for the 4th one at any given time and even have them attack the enemy as soon as you switch to them. Also combos, yes combos. If you have enough AP built up, you can do the same skill 3-4 times in a row for devastating damage and fluid and flashy attack animations. It’s largely the same as Ryza 1 but with improvements to make combat feel more smooth.

So gameplay overall is largely the same as Ryza 1 but with new improvements. However, the biggest change is the exploration. You’re able to swing your way around with a grappler hook, dive and swim underwater, use a flashlight to explore dark places, and use a large creature to dig up rare ingredients. During these ruins, once you have explored them enough, these fragmented crystals will appear all over the maps of each ruin. You collect these crystals to solve the mysteries of each ruin with the clues you have gathered around. While they’re overall not terribly hard to figure out, it’s a nice addition to make you feel like you’re researching the ruins carefully and you get rewarded with skill tree points to use to unlock more recipes and skills for the game. There are also other gameplay elements in the game such as shop development when you trade-in items and ingredients to unlock certain items in shops and the Puni eater when you feel his ingredients and he will come back with different ingredients in return.

So Ryza 2 has tons of gameplay depth to keep the player busy the entire time. However, gameplay alone isn’t why Ryza 2 is an overall improvement, as the cast is the main highlight and the strongest value of the game. Being three years since the first game, the main cast has overall matured a lot. Ryza, while overall changed the least, is at least far less self-centered and has a greater concern of care for others this time around. Klaudia, going from a shy and insecure girl to someone with confidence running her family business. Tao, going from a wimpy booknerd to….well still a booknerd but the wimpness is overall gone at least. Lent going from someone that wanted to be strong to that strength actually backfires on him and that causes him to be depressed at times. He actually regresses as a character, which makes strong character development for him in the game. The new characters are great additions as well that feel right in place with the four main characters from the first game. Such as Patty, an elegant noble that is focused on her studies and has curiosity. Clifford, a jaded treasure hunter that tends to work alone and seeking “true romance”. And Serri, a soft-spoken Oren that is out on a mission to save her world.

Each of the main characters, besides Ryza, has their own personal character arcs throughout the game and each character develops very well as they deal with their own issues with Ryza. I won’t spoil what each character deals with as the personal arcs are some of the most story-driven beats in the game. But overall the game tackles themes of friendship, trust, inferiority, and self adequacy, and standing up to what you truly believe in. And the characters do not just revolve around Ryza either. There are plenty of scenes with the main characters talking to each other about various topics, from the mundane ones to topics that build on additional information about the character. This makes the cast feel like they’re actually friends with each other and not just a bunch of random people with the only thing that they have in common is knowing who Ryza is.

Ryza gives plenty of love to its side characters as well. A few of them even got arcs of the same quality as the main characters such as Dennis, the material wilder. Cassandra, the farmer girl, Romy, a traveling merchant that settled down for a bit in the capital. Zephine, a waitress for a cafe, and even Bos, the son of the Brunnen family from the first game. Even the characters from side quests get tiny arcs as well. Such as a gang that tries to find treasure or a schoolgirl that tries to overcome her fear of men with plants or a high noble man and his servant carefully watching over Ryza as they give her tasks.

Ryza 2 got plenty of gameplay depth and character writing, the game sounds amazing with tons to do so far right? However, I do have two major issues that I have noticed while I was playing through the game. My first complaint is Ryza feels very self inserty. While she felt like she was her own character in Ryza 1. Since the game evenly focused on Ryza, Tao, Lent, and Klaudia and no one character was resolving every single problem the cast had. In Ryza 2, can't help but think Ryza robs a lot of character development for other characters. Some character arcs absolutely required her like Serri's arc and even Klaudia but others not so much, in fact, I think it would be better if someone else was in replacement. For instance, I actually think it would be better if Tao was helping Patty with her arc instead of Ryza since the two already have an established relationship that had the chance to deepen. I can say the same for Lila and Lent for his arc.

Not to mention, Ryza feels like she can do anything now while in Ryza 1 she has clear limitations. It's very clear everyone relies on her to create this instant solution to solve a roadblock. On top of Ryza's always cheerful and happy attitude. I feel like Ryza went from a very flawed character to an almost flawless character that can solve literally any problem with almost no development. Not to mention Ryza is the only character that has a deep relationship with everyone. I mean the other characters do interact with each other and there is proof they are friends but it is missing depth. Hence why I said why she felt self inserty. Self-inserts are usually perfect problem solvers.

My second issue is the main plot. While the character arcs are great and offer plenty of story for the game, remember, Ryza came to the capital in the first place to investigate ruins and that is the main plot. It’s very repetitive and formulaic. Essentially for each ruin, you look at key objects, ask questions about the ruin with your party, hit a roadblock, resolve that roadblock with alchemy, fight the boss for the ruin and suck up the mana in that ruin for Fi. It doesn’t help that there's no true antagonist in the game like Ryza 1 or even no set goals like the other Atelier games. The ruins exploring feel very aimless and barebone in terms of plot. The one thing that Ryza 1 did better was the main plot. While it had odd pacing, it gave the characters conflict and problems to overcome against the antagonists.

Ryza 2 would be much better if it had that same “classic and epic JRPG main plot” as Ryza 1 did towards the second half. Only the final dungeon had something remotely close to what Ryza 1 had in terms of plot writing but by then, it felt very shoehorned and too late to have any real impact on the overall plot barring the emotional ending. And even then, the final dungeon retreads on plot beats from the final moments of Ryza 1. The main plot could be much more but the character arcs make it up greatly. However, it would be amazing if the main plot was mixed in with the character arcs somehow.

Overall Ryza 2 is an improvement in gameplay, a huge improvement in exploration, and a huge leap in character writing and development. While Ryza herself as a character is lacking in depth and feels too much like a Mary Sue at times, she is still overall likable enough compared to the first game. The lack of a focused main plot with impactable conflict is the biggest flaw in the game, and if you’re looking for a grand plot, then look elsewhere. Atelier games were never known for epic plots, but even for Atelier standards, it’s certainly not up to par. However, if you are looking for a game that has in-depth alchemy and combat with characters that undergoes their own personal struggles and have plenty of interaction with the cast and especially Ryza, then you will enjoy Atelier Ryza 2 a lot. It’s overall a very good game and improves much of the flaws of the first game. Highly recommend the second game if you don’t completely hate the first game.