This game genuinely makes me angry. Soulless cash grab meant to capitalize on the mascot horror trope in a desperate attempt to go viral. Then it actually goes viral because of memes. There are so many fantastic indie games that go relatively unnoticed while shit like this blows up because it's "funny."

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023


7 months ago

which one you favourite? zumbo sauce; ban ban; nab nab; uhm i forgot his name, the frog dude(?) and uhm yeah; slow seline; banbalina; stinger fwyn; opilla borde

7 months ago

name 3 fantastic indie games that go unnoticed while shit like this blows up because it's "funny." this instant

7 months ago

on a more serious note i really don't think any of those games would have gone noticed even if one of these youtuber games wasn't making rounds. It's sad but like none of that is crossing over with how children engage with shit. Just appreciate and show love to the underground shit yourself and im sure the creators will be happy anyways.

7 months ago

In response to a previous comment, I don't think this game directly prevented any other games from being noticed. It just frustrates me to see a game like this get a ton of attention from Youtube slop and memes while games with far more time and love put into them can't even get a fraction of the attention that this game got. The End is Nigh, for example, is one of my favorite platformers and it has a fraction of the amount of reviews that Banban has on both Steam and this site. It's just sad to see.
@hexxter aye a fellow end is night fan, very cool

7 months ago

yeah it sucks, but if you get frustrated about that stuff, you will always be frustrated. Also I just checked some steam stats and it seems wayyy more people have actually played The End is Nigh than Banban (nearly double all time concurrent player peak); and even has more than 300 plays on this website. Reviews aren't really the way to value something because not everyone wants to talk, and more people would probably review something like BanBan because of Memes or to Shit on it. I know there are even more niche indie games you could say this about, but again, thats just a spiral of madness to keep asking why this really fucking cool thing is not popular with the general populace.

Idk maybe im gettin too into this, I just wanna be like "hey, dont worry about it cause value isn't based on popularity"