I loved this game so much. I'd honestly never heard of it, until considering buying a Wii U a few months ago. Spotted this out in the city, picked it up and tried it out.

Xenoblade X is such a beautiful game. From the enemies, the characters and their personality to the world you're set to explore, I loved every second of it.

I didn't do much beyond the main story, but I do hope to go back. Now, with the Wii U online services shut down, there will be quite some experiences you're missing; but know that I had no idea how to set up online and loved this game all the same.

If you can find it, I wholeheartedly recommend this game.

This review contains spoilers

i liked this but i really should pay more attention to nsfw warnings lol

I didn't really look much into this game before downloading it, but I enjoyed it. The themes stay quite consistent in all routes and it's understandable if people feel like they know what to expect because of it, but I never failed to put my trust in each character, despite those little feelings that things might not go so well. I guess that's the whole "yandere" thing I glossed over though.

very cute! couple of bugs but nothing game breaking so long as you know to open your menu if you're stuck


SO CUTE!!!!!!!

also surprisingly well put together it has animations and nice music too