This game is COOL. It is raw fun in a box, just bursting at the seams, waiting for you to enjoy it. It's one part Scott Pilgrim, one part FLCL, one part Jet Set Radio, and a heaping dose of anime, comic book, and video game references of awesomeness.

The level of detail, appreciation, mechanical difficulty, and love absolutely pours out of every fiber of this game, every second of it bursting with beauty, coolness, and fun. It's electric in how delightful it is at all times, from the quippy dialogue, to the silly antics, the great story, and the exciting and extremely challenging mechanical gameplay. The mechanics especially never let up, even up to the last fight, constantly growing and challenging you until the very end.

This game is COOL. It can be recommended to basically anyone on the coolness factor alone. It makes you the anime character you've always wanted to be, doing the coolest things you can ever imagine, and the game doesn't even flinch once. It defines what it means to "turn it up to 11." This game is an uncompromisingly awesome experience, beginning to end.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
