Man it really saddens me to say this one did NOT click with me as hard as Jedi: Fallen Order did, there's a number of issues (some of them being on the technicaly side, which they did iron out most issues, but there's still some very distracting ones), but I think the big one is the way most of the collectibles are cosmetics which, it is very cool, but I definitely felt discouraged to do so because of how big the world is. I don't really feel like returning to a chest I saw hours ago by riding a creature or fast travelling to the other end of the planet because I might find a mustache or a saber grip that I'm not gonna use. I feel like in Fallen Order that worked okay because the levels were tight, compact, but very layered. The shortcuts you unlocked felt much more meaningful than in Jedi: Survivor. It helps that the movement is still insanely fun, and combat feeling more customizable thanks to the multiple stances, but I feel like my time would have been better spent just focusing on the main story.

Which is something I'd say if the story didn't leave me underwhelmed. Without going into spoilers, midway through the game, the story kind of abandons key themes and characters that it establishes early, only to reframe everything in a way that didn't vibe with me, and felt like it suddenly wanted to be sequel bait without it being a strong story that can stand on its own. Hopefully the inevitable third game rectifies some of this.

The game is sitll very fun to play, I had a good enough time with it, and there's a lot of cool exploration to do. But as someone who not only played Jedi: Fallen Order, but also replayed it a year later (something I almost never do), I don't see myself revisiting Jedi: Survivor anytime soon. It's a game that is obsessed with being bigger and grander, without much of the substance that made Jedi: Fallen Order so special to me.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
