It's hard to write about this game without getting too personal. I think that the type of person that will be drawn to the game's aimless exploration will also resonate with it the most. For the protagonist, the dream world is an escape. Video games can fill the same role. My relationship with my favorite hobby is always changing, but in my worst moments it's hard to treat them as anything other than a place to hide.

As you explore the game, the more that it becomes a physical location in your mind. Dreams connect to dreams, loops lead back to the nexus, and you start to push out deeper and deeper as you become more familiar with the space. I feel like I could chose any specific location in this game and make my way there by memory. I genuinely find more fulfillment here than I do in most open world games.

The different locations you visit are surreal and have no consistent logic, but the real world is constantly seeping through the cracks. No matter where she runs to, Madotsuki can't escape the reality of who she is and what she's experienced. As the player we don't really know anything about her character or what she's been through, but I found a lot of emotional resonance with the world anyways. Just enough detail is left out to force your own imagination to fill in the cracks, which made my lasting connection to the game inevitable. I don't think there's any "correct" interpretation of the story, the emotions and concepts conveyed are enough to create a memorable experience.

I do wonder how it would've turned out if development on it had continued, but I also don't blame the creator for abandoning it. If they had any kind of personal emotional investment in the themes presented in the game, I imagine working on it only became more exhausting over time. I hope they're doing okay.

Reviewed on May 31, 2023
