Log Status






Time Played

14h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 14, 2023

First played

August 7, 2023

Platforms Played


It's Dead Rising 2 but runs way god damn worse. It barely even functions. Crashes often and just like Frank, screams to be put out of its misery the entire runtime.

It's still good Dead Rising fun, albeit, a copy paste of the second one. I much prefer the first game over 2 but 2 is still a handful of fun. They tried to fix certain aspects that missed the mark with it's sibling, but falters even more in others. Sure, auto-save could come in clutch during certain moments after a boss fight or after the game shits itself to death again but you can tell they simply added it in because they completely wrecked the survivor escort missions. They went from being way too easy to beyond broken. I'm not really sure what would have fixed the difficulty issue from before but it sure the fuck wasn't to make the survivors instantly drain health on grab. They basically explode if you look at them wrong in this game, it made for almost constant reloads.

The story is a non-factor. It doesn't make any sense at all, but we didn't ask it to be. It's just simply an alternate reality where some things stay the same and others don't. Whatever. Except for the fact that it values money way too much. Before, money was just a bonus that could net you some neat rewards. Here it's literally required to scrounge up a decent amount of money to progress, which is boring as shit. The fun mini-games in the original 2 were meant to be optional content that sold the theme of Fortune City. I liked to gamble in that game because it was an easy way to waste some time that I would spend standing around instead. I know you can just grab Gambling books to acquire it faster, but that's not my point. I find the whole thing stupid just in concept. I play Dead Rising games because I like exploring a fun map, saving survivors, and finding cool items to kill zombies/psychopaths with. This game takes all of those things, pisses them out, and then asks you to clean it up as a chore.

I honestly don't even hate this game as much as it sounds like I do, but my experience with it unfortunately ended completely awfully. I played my 2nd playthrough with a friend and we couldn't complete it. There is a major soft-lock bug near the end of the game where it'll play an infinite loading screen and I've tried everything to fix it. There was a moment where I sat back and said, "Why am I doing this?" and just stopped trying. Playing this game on multiplayer makes it much easier to swallow for sure, but no amount of fun moments we had together is going to outweigh the fact that it's an abandoned port that doesn't function. I should not have to mod in controller support or windowed mode to get this game to function like a game, and I definitely should not have to edit any files to prevent it from breaking right at the end.

Edit: Used to be a 0.5 star rating, but I stopped doing halfsies.