As a singular game, Mass Effect 1 is still one of the best built fictional worlds I have had the pleasure of playing in. It's a space adventure shrouded in mystery, where you can balance between being a decent person or a being huge space racist. The morality mechanics are very black and white, but this was an ambitious game for 2007. What more could you want?

The world is expansive and entering the Citadel for the first time is kind of overwhelming since it throws a ton of side quests at you, but once you move past that you're gonna have a good time, I swear.

Obviously start with this game, (some people didn't for some reason) or else you might miss out on your CUSTOM Commander Shepard getting all of their memories and conscious sent to the next game where you can pick up where you left off. That is still one of the coolest features of this series and no other custom RPG has tried to replicate it for some reason.

Aside from yourself, the cast of goobers you meet and befriend are a mixed range of basic bitch to best character you've met in a game. The beauty of variety is that you get to decide who you hang out with every time you go out.

The only thing that I think this game gets weighed down by is the clunky ass movement and combat. The Mako is a meme that has been complained about to death so forget about it, but the combat movement/AI is pretty jank and it would be a lie to say that they aren't. These problems get fixed a bit in the Legenedary Edition, but it's still an issue that could turn some people off.

Some side quests are pretty tedious. It's so worth it to wade through all of that to be graced with such an enthralling plot. You'll cruise down space cowboy highway and enjoy all of the detours.

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2023
