MGS4 decimated all the symbols and mannerisms of the franchise, until there was nothing left to enjoy. Phantom Pain exists in a completely irrelevant space, it is a game that has no "story to tell", because all the stories are already established.

More post-modern than MGS2, it serves to prove that Metal Gear never had a "fourth wall" and canonize the player as a in-universe character. We are a phantom that repeats the steps of the legend, but we are the legend. Venom Snake doesn't take more actions than the player would, because he does what Big Boss would do... and the player has already been Big Boss -twice-.

You are Venom, Venom is Big Boss, Big Boss is Snake, Snake was Solid Snake and Raiden. Choose who you want to be today, choose the game you want to play. Let it die but with hope for the future.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023


7 months ago

Yo, good shtuff.

Barely know a thing about this series, but this was still some nice analysis, nonetheless. 👍👍

7 months ago


7 months ago

esqueci de postar aqui nos comentários, mas eu escrevi um texto todo inteirando nas ideias dessa review