(repost of my Steam review with slight modifications. you can read the original review here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/huuishuu/recommended/70/)

Half-Life is called one of the most revolutionary games of all-time. And for the time - it really was. It's honestly one of those games where I can't really say anything new about it that hasn't been said about it by so many people over the last 22 years of its existence.

But even if this game is older than me by a year, it's still something I have so many fond memories of just playing, hearing various rumors about and always experimenting with it. I remember back in 2009 I spent days messing about with console commands and pasting Half-Life maps into Counter-Strike and such, just to see what works and what doesn't.

All these years later, I also love to just occasionally revisit the game. Certain bits of the game aren't that fun I'll admit - Forget About Freeman & Xen are honestly boring, and in Xen's case - downright confusing, but a solid 7/8 of the entire game is fun to just breeze and play through.

Half-Life is a special game. A game that I doubt many people haven't experienced yet at this point. But if you haven't - behind the outdated GoldSrc graphics is a game filled with wondrous secrets and tons of replayability to keep making you want to come back.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
