System: PC
Rating: 65/100
Playtime: ~15 1/2 Hours

I had always heard good things about this, but I never got around to it until I saw it in the WB Humble Bundle. I didn't have any experience with Mad Max until this game, so it was my first exposure.

The gameplay is pretty fun, with some solid combat, even though I did feel like it was too easy. I enjoyed the story and characters, and from what I saw after beating it seems like they got the Mad Max aspects down pretty good there. Completing all of the main missions, along with the wasteland missions I'd say that the main story were all pretty fun, but the wasteland were hit and miss.

My biggest problem with the game is that I feel like it being open world hurt it tremendously. I usually like open world games, and some of my favorites come from the genre. Here though, the entire map felt so similar, and with the setting being what it is, it was just too empty. I felt basically no interest in completing more than was necessary, with the scavenging being especially bad, getting out of the car only to have one piece of scrap on the ground.

If it was a streamlined experience, only lasting around ~10ish hours, my enjoyment would've been higher.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
