i dont really know how to express my love for this game through a review, i've tried writing one at least six times now and i've never felt that i've been able to do it justice in any sort of way really

i think yume 2kki is best described as an experience, not a game. it's not really something you go into because you want to play something, since there aren't really any gameplay elements to speak of.. but regardless, yume 2kki is an experience that has touched me deeply throughout my time with it. for reference, i've played it through the yno browser port; sometimes with friends, sometimes alone.

my first experience with 2kki was venturing to the tomb of velleities, one of the deepest dreams in the game, alongside a buddy late at night. neither of us really had any idea what we were doing or where we were going, but after a few hours of getting lost in the bizarre and beautiful locations on the way we finally made it. it was around six or seven in the morning and we were both exhausted, but at the end of it all we found what we were looking for, just as the sun began to peek through my curtains and illuminate my room. this experience has stuck with me ever since, and i think it encapsulates how i feel about yume 2kki as a whole.

2kki is by no means a flawless experience. while the community-driven nature of the game has created many beautiful sights and dreams that couldn't be in any other medium, there's also countless dreams that can range from monotonous to migraine-inducing, though i wouldnt exactly call this a bad thing either ... though they dont personally compel me, these sorts of dreams still contribute a lot to the experience in my eyes. the size of the game also makes it difficult to play at times without a guide, which kinda defeats the purpose of something like this in my eyes.

i'm not sure if i can really "recommend" yume 2kki, at least in a certain sense of the word. like with most art, you're only gonna get as much out of it as you're willing to put in, so i doubt itll be very enjoyable if you dont really actually want to play it, so i don't think you should force it if its not something that immediately interests you. but i did! so thats cool i think. i like yume 2kki

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Wow, that's really beautiful. Yume 2kki has always been very mysterious and strange to me, I'm not sure I'd want to play it but those games in general seem very important to a lot of people. Good review ♡