i hate square for many things, but this takes the cake. their horrible mismanagement for this would be game and absurd request for a battle royale set in nosgoth just fucking boils my blood. everyone has their reasons to hate ubisoft, konami, bethesda, etc. well heres mine, fuck you square enix suck my motherfucking dick

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023


6 months ago

but how was the game

6 months ago

@cyanplaza it didnt look amazing but pretty good. (stop reading here if you have no interest in the legacy of kain series) but having another LOK game that is more on the perspective of the people is very interesting and welcoming as the past games were primarily about the vampires, the rulers and event changing characters of the world. the series sold fairly well then but nowadays is mostly forgotten in the public space. i have full confidence in saying this series has the best writing in all of gaming so with that said it sucks to see something thats part of a series thats held in high regard and pristine, ended up in the hands of the wrong people who treated it like crap (square, the SHAPE OF EVIL)