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things i liked:
- menus (accessible and snappy)
- writing/va (so bad it circles back to good)
- exploration (up to a point, any resources or items are handy and exciting to find!)
- vibes (mmhmm)
- puzzles (even though i couldn't solve most of them because i have a baboon brain)

things i did not like:
- staleness (once i fought an enemy, i might as well have already fought them hundres of times)
- movement (understanding that this was an open-world-ish game in 1999 on the og playstation)
- camera (see movement)

one thing that was a big bummer for me was how after a while, i got burnt out on exploring because it felt as though it became less rewarding over time. eventually it just became "okay where's the handgun ammo", as opposed to getting intrigued by the building's place in this decrepit town. this led me to not find kaufman and miss out on the liquid needed to save cybil, giving me the bad ending!

i can absolutely appreciate how silent hill has inspired the horror genre, but have a difficult time feeling super satisfied with the ending i received and how i left feeling about exploration. granted, it is a campy little horror game now for me! might give it another go sometime in the future now that i know the ropes! can see myself recommending both for horror fans and for those that are interested in engaging with the formative titles that have come before us!

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
