Another jaunty little trading card game-meets mini RPG, which has become something of a joy for me lately. This one is so much broader, deeper, and more complex than the original that I would almost say that it obviates the need to play the earlier entry. I wouldn't quite go that far, however. Pokemon Card GB2 operates in the 'same-but-more' school of sequeldom, and I would wager during development it was assumed that the player had already completed the original. Because of that, the tutorialization is a bit blander, and the opening act is a bit messier and less straightforward than the original. Still, the deckbuilding restrictions and ruleset tweaks introduced in the game's second half, coupled with the larger card pool, make this game a ton of fun both for those who compleded the original and want more and for folks who are simply curious about this specific era of a now-venerable tcg.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
