1 review liked by ioriyagami

Im not here to argue about the price. Games go on sale all the time, and 70 dollars just looks like it's gonna be the new norm. It sucks but thats just how it is. Quality is not equivalent to price, same with game length.

Was this remake necessary? No. The remastered version on ps4 still holds up really well and is still great looking. You could say that this remake does mess with the art style of the original and id agree. But anybody can just share compressed twitter screenshots. When you're there playing it the game looks phenomenal, and HDR doesnt translate well to pictures anyway.

Price and necessity aside, this is an incredible remake. They couldn't implement all of Part II's gameplay without changing up the level design, but what they added is more than enough to make the game feel so much better. I dont see people mention enough of just how great the sequel is to play despite that being the most common complaint against the original. and if all you wanted was for that level of intensity and smoothness combined with the genuine perfect levels of stortyelling of the first game: this product damn well delivers.